The contorted erosional patterns of this small watercourse are probably better known in the downstream stretches of Upper and Lower Antelope Canyons; but for me the upstream magic of Canyon X, the lesser known of the three slot canyons that Mother Nature has laboriously carved from Antelope Creek, is where sheer awe and Beauty reside.

Navajo sandstone is a riddle within an enigma all by itself, but where you apply to it the twin forces of wind and water over countless millennia, the resulting slits in the earth’s bare surface create windows into the very soul of the world.

A focal length of 60mm, the very far edge of the normal range, gave me the angle-of-view I wanted as the spiraling walls  climbed toward the light above. An aperture of f/16 provided depth-of-field and allowed for a shutter speed of 8.0 seconds at ISO 100 and a medium overall exposure. Note that f/22 would have required a shutter speed of 16.0 seconds with the other numbers being constant and created a much greater possibility of error from a number of factors, including motion.

The lands of the Dine´ People are not public lands, but I do not worry that they will be overdeveloped or exploited. They will be respected and cared for as all land should be, as the mother of all of us