Charlie Moore is a photographer, and a good one, too. For a number of years he also owned and operated Overland Canyon Tours in Page, Arizona. He was the only outfitter to offer photography tours of an amazing slot canyon called, simply, Canyon X. For many reasons Charlie was the outfitter I chose when I wanted to give my workshop students a very special slot canyon experience. In December, 2014, Charlie turned in his permit to guide into Canyon X, and it’s hard to imaging that it will ever be the same. I’ll miss him. Canyon X lies upstream on Antelope Creek from its two more well-known siblings, Upper and Lower Antelope Canyons. Not far inside the upstream entrance is an overhead view toward the rim far above. The striations of sandstone spiraling from floor to ceiling are some of the most sensual lines in nature. In the early light the depths of the canyon reflect a deep purple-blue, while the rim light shines orange and golden: a warm-cool tonal contrast that strikes the eye with beauty. Compositionally, it was a matter of establishing the relationships of the lines with the light as it produced its tonal tricks and with each other as they swirled and turned. A focal length of 33mm – technically wide-angle – was needed to capture to scene I envisioned. An aperture of f/11 gave depth-of-field, and a shutter speed of 120 seconds (2 minutes on “Bulb”) at ISO 100 gave a somewhat darker-than-medium overall exposure. Here’s to you, Charlie, for the good times.